Looking for an internship in Green Tech and Sustainability?

Supercharge your journey from United States to a successful career abroad in Green Tech and Sustainability.

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Green Tech and Sustainability Internships Abroad

Interns in the green technology and sustainability career sector learn about the effects of human activity on the environment and how technology may be used to lessen these effects. Green technologies are crucial in helping many countries worldwide transition to a sustainable economy.

Moreover, it offers both current and future generations alternative answers for how to live in a safe and healthy environment. In this line of employment, interns might find themselves working with solar energy, electric vehicles, and other forms of energy.

You may be a college student or new grad seeking opportunities to get experience that can advance your sustainability career. An internship is one of the finest methods to accomplish this. Internships offer useful work experience, but they also include on-the-job education and training.

Let’s look at the best green tech and sustainability intern jobs that are available globally. Let TAG help you secure virtual internships in these roles to maximise your chances of employability in this sector.

Green Tech and Sustainability Virtual Internships

Going green is becoming a sound business strategy that enables you to cut operational expenses and use resources more effectively. It not only helps businesses reduce emissions.

Employers are looking for young professionals with the ability to manage and implement sustainable business processes.

Therefore, gaining internship experience in sustainability can be a huge asset to your resume, regardless of whether you want to specialise in finance or engineering.

Unquestionably, a sustainable internship opens up the world to you. You can relocate from Australia to East Africa Safari tours while studying environmentally friendly living. This post covers the eight essentials for finding a sustainable internship that matches your interests and degree of experience to assist you in deciding what to do next.

You may discover internships in sustainability across a range of sectors, including tourism, technology, food and beverage, architecture and construction, and more. Internships in sustainability are becoming more prevalent. These internships are competitive because they are also growing in demand across the globe. So, before giving you a job, the majority of internship managers will evaluate your enthusiasm and interest in sustainability.

The common positions

Instead of general sustainability, dedicated marketing or communications positions are the most prevalent. Sustainability is a wide concept that can be used in a variety of sectors. The majority of sustainability jobs, as opposed to those on specialised "sustainability" teams, are typically found in marketing and communications departments.

This makes it reasonable given that the definition of sustainability varies by industry. An energy corporation, for instance, is likely to define sustainability differently than an apparel retailer. This ought to have an impact on how each organisation defines its function.

On-farm experience

The greatest option, and a fantastic place to start for your green tech and sustainability internship , is often to obtain experience working on a farm if you're interested in the agriculture and food industries.

To get your hands dirty with sustainability initiatives, search for internships that provide practical training and exposure within a company that carries out important work. To define your career as a sustainability specialist, you could, for example, investigate the potential of sustainable farming.

Contact alumni

If you're looking for an internship in a different profession, start by getting in touch with schoolmates who work in that industry. These people typically offer advice on how to submit a successful application to their company or one that is similar. You can also get in touch with your school's sustainability-related alumni and solicit their assistance on how to submit a strong application.

Be ready to conduct some research. To show these people how dedicated and informed you are about sustainability, you need to read yearly reports and learn about current projects. After interviews, it's usually a good idea to send a thank-you note.


At this point, working toward becoming a Certified Sustainability Professional may pay off later. This is due to the program's level-appropriate workshops for both professionals in their early careers and those with more expertise.

If you wish to go beyond internships and pursue leadership positions in sustainability, this degree is a crucial first step. Additionally, it sets you apart from other applicants fighting for the same internship position.

Variety of fields

The field of sustainability offers a wide range of internship opportunities. Whether you're interested in a career in business or the non-profit sector, look for openings that match your interests and qualifications.

Take note of the expectations the organisation has for its interns when researching potential internships. While some are essentially entry-level positions to get your foot in the door, others offer more responsibility and opportunities to make an impact on the organisation’s sustainability plan.

If you wish to become a scientist or engineer who works in the environment, this information can be extremely helpful.


You'll have many options for volunteer work outside of your internship because green tech and sustainable internships are centred on improving the world. Your expertise in environmental health and sustainability will be highly valued across industries as a sustainability intern. This opens up opportunities for you to volunteer and develop your talents.

Access to virtual training

You have immediate access to training in sustainable management and corporate social responsibility as a sustainability intern. Additionally, you'll gain practical experience working with various company divisions and have the chance to take on initiatives that align with your interests and objectives.

Types of green tech and sustainability internships

1. Environmental Management internships

You will be assigned a variety of environmental, sustainability, property management, and construction activities as part of your internship that is involved with running a real estate portfolio. You'll help with tasks including analysing utility and construction data, developing solar energy, and managing environmental risk.

2. Environmental field Internships

You will help technicians with the handling of hazardous materials, equipment decontamination, and hazardous waste cleaning as a summer intern.

3. Greening Internships

It will be your responsibility to research the environmental policies, initiatives, and programs of passenger and cargo airlines, suppliers, and clients. To get suggestions on how the business can be more environmentally friendly, you'll interact with personnel at various levels.

4. Corporate Safety Internships

You'll be collaborating with the sustainability team to collect data, measure current sustainability efforts, assess their efficacy, and assist in realigning them with the overall business plan.

5. Environmental Specialist Internships

In addition to having the chance to visit a variety of sites that are subject to regulation and participate in the compliance inspection process, you will get experience in the area of environmental regulation in your state.

The fundamentals of engineering investigation and review will also be put into practice. You must hold a degree in biological science, environmental science, chemistry, natural resources, geology, engineering, or a closely connected discipline to be eligible to apply. A lot of fieldwork is involved in this kind of study.

6. Social impact partnerships intern

With project management, relationship management, operational organisation, impact tracking, and reporting, you'll support all social impact relationships. Additionally, it will be your responsibility to analyse grant applications from universities and non-profit organisations as well as new potential alliances.

7. Energy efficiency internship

In this position, an intern will be required to assist the Energy Efficiency team in a range of program areas. You'll be in charge of processing program applications, analysing program participation, and doing market research to support new products.

You must be pursuing a degree in an energy-related field and have a keen interest in market-based solutions to be qualified for this position.

8. Sustainability project management internship

Working with the team that develops reports, managing a project execution schedule, and gathering and validating data inputs are all responsibilities of this position. Working with senior leaders will present many chances but also call for an increased level of professionalism and communication abilities.


It can be difficult to find green tech and sustainability virtual internships, but the effort is worthwhile. Today is the ideal time to become engaged because there are so many great prospects in the industry. Getting a green tech and sustainability internship is a simple way to start your career in sustainability. This will be a calculated move in the direction of your sustainability career goals.

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